Rocket Fuel for a Better Marriage

Hi Reader,

A friend of mine just wrote his first book and it’s really good. A prospective publishing house asked him how he was promoting it.

Him: “I plan to use Facebook ads, my personal and professional networks, and social media.”

Them: “We’re not interested in what you plan to do. Tell us what you’re doing.”

Our wives are no different.

Execution is King

You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do. (Carl Jung)

I unfairly wanted my wife to judge me — not by what I did — but by what I intended to do. By what I was going to do. I never afforded her the same luxury, of course, but held her to a much higher standard, judging and evaluating her strictly by her actions.

Jung was right: We are what we do, not what we say we’ll do. Pledges, promises, vows, verbal commitments, words, deadlines, and other people’s praises don’t shape our wife’s perception of us. Only our actions do. Only our follow-throughs do.

In the world of women, execution is king.

Good intentions weigh less than a dryer sheet.

Put It to Work

Henry Ford put it this way, “You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do.” OK, grab a pen and paper. Here’s where this simple email turns into rocket fuel:

  1. What’s one thing your wife needs you to take care of? She’s brought it up more than once. Like my former self, you’ve written it and re-written it on multiple to-do lists, yet it remains undone.
  2. When will you do what you volunteered to do?
  3. Excellent! Plan and schedule it now. (Yes, now.)
  4. Follow through. Do it. Build a reputation for being a badass! For being a husband who gets things done!

That will change your marriage.

Question or Comment?

Let me know what landed.

What’s your biggest takeaway?

Reply to this email with your question or comment. I’ll respond to each one.

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Hi, I'm Jeff.

I help husbands grow and become great men. The kind their wives swoon over. Join the one percent! New content delivered weekly.

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